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Be A Victor Not A Victim!

We have an MMA champion in our church whom I watch fight sometimes. But I also watch him train. He jumps rope, runs five miles, sweats it out, eats like crazy and all because he wants to be the victor, not a victim. To be a victor, he has to train, and he trains hard so that he fights as he trains.

The Greatest Fight Is In The Last Five Minutes

I feel that many people today who are reading this blog have been in a season of trouble, war, or simply in a funk. But after this blog today they are going to break out on the left and break out on the right. Why? I believe that the greatest fight to faith is the fight in the last five minutes.

But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)

It Usually Looks Like We Won’t Make It Through The Last Five Minutes

When this MMA fighter gets in the ring, it gets pretty crazy. And at times I think, “Oh God what’s going to happen? Is he going to make it?” And then at the last minute he knocked the person out. But it was in the last five minutes that I wondered if they were going to take him out. It was in the last five minutes that I wondered if he was going to make it.

We have to keep our helmet of salvation on to protect our mind.

When something tries to pull off our helmet of salvation that is protecting our mind, we have to make sure that we get back in there and keep that helmet of salvation on. We need to say, “Wait a minute, this thing would be impossible if it were up to me, but it’s not up to me, it’s up to God. And greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world!”

Today, Try To Remember These Key Points:

1. The greatest fight to faith is the fight to keep from fighting in your mind.
2. The last five minutes of the fight is the one that tries to knock you out.

We have to fight like we train. The real question is: How are we training?

David Crank

Author David Crank

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