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Location, location, location! In real estate, it’s all about location because if our customer or buyers can’t find us, then we might be sunk before we start. With God, we can grow in favor, grow in grace, and learn proximity.

Get away from here and go over there.
God speaks to Elijah in 1 Kings 17:2-4 where it says, “And a word of the Lord came to him.” In addition, Elijah was given a word that had specific direction. And by specific, it also says, “Get away from here…and go over there.” Over there means NOT HERE, which means you need to move! God didn’t send the provision over here, He sent it over there. So if Elijah hadn’t moved, he wouldn’t have been positioned to receive the provision that God sent. Being at the right place at the right time is imperative. Proximity is everything.

God told me to sell our place and move.
My wife, Nicole, said, “Are you crazy? We built this place! We bought the land next to us so that our kids could live there.” I don’t know what we were thinking wanting our kids to live next to us. The idea is to raise them and say, “See you later, alligator.” But it was our plan. We considered different parts of town, but I felt we needed to be in a certain part of town. You see, when we move THERE, all kinds of things begin to get confirmed. I can look back now and see that God was right. We needed to move. Staying where we were would have held us back.

God’s voice only booms in the movies, listen to the still small voice.
When God told me to move, it was a still small voice. So don’t wait for some booming voice to command you to go and do. God told me to move because He said to, “Use your time, your talent, your treasure, and humorous ability to communicate for me.” God needed me fully vested in His plan, and that meant freeing up my resources of time (not maintaining a large property) and money (downsize) to do as He was leading me to do.

Experience AMAZING results!
I’d like to encourage you today to dig deep and listen for that still small voice. What has God whispered in your heart recently? Have you responded in obedience? When you do, I can tell you from my own experience, the results will be amazing!

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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