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Faith is not supposed to be a fight, but it can be within our minds. We are supposed to become like children (Matthew 18:3) and to have the faith of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20) yet so often we don’t. We get so focused on our circumstances that we begin to believe our past experience and current circumstances over God’s Word.

“The greatest fight to faith is the fight we fight to keep from fighting in our mind.”

We Say: It Will Never Happen

  • I’ll never get married.
  • I’ll never have kids.

God can place us where we’re meant to be in a MOMENT, such as into a ready-made family that we never expected.

We See: Things Are Falling Apart In My Life

  • I went bankrupt.
  • I am divorced.
  • I have cancer.
  • My kids are on drugs.

And you serve a God, who knew that all of this was coming, and he has a plan to work things out for good (Romans 8:28). He wants you to have long life (Psalm 91:16). He wants you to have a hope and future, he has plans for good and not harm. (Jeremiah 29:11). So start saying what HE says about you!

We Give Up: I Tried Church Before. (Maybe You Tried The Wrong Church)

If we have a bad experience at a restaurant do we stop going to all restaurants? If we try a Chinese food restaurant and everyone in the restaurant is not of Chinese ethnicity, it is possible we are not getting authentic cuisine. Real authentic ethnic food typically happens when the right people are involved. It’s the same with church. Keep trying.

We Rationalize: It’s Always Been This Way. (NO! You Have The Keys Now)

You have the keys of faith and action. We serve an all-terrain God, who can overcome all obstacles. Nothing is too big for him – except when we block him by agreeing more with our circumstances than with him. God can do his thing in spite of us, but since he gives us free will, he needs our agreement to work in our life. Will you join me and stop agreeing with your circumstances and start agreeing with God today?

David Crank

Author David Crank

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