Have you ever heard the term: ‘Stop before it gets out of hand?’
We could eliminate a lot of the problems in life, including half of the lawsuits in the world, if we would just stop before it gets out of hand.
In the Bible, in the book of Genesis, we see Cain and Abel walking through a conflict that “escalated” to the point where one brother kills the other.
ESCALATE is NOT a word that you want describing your problem!
Things begin to escalate when communication breaks down. It happens in the workplace and relationships and is detrimental to a healthy lifestyle.
When you clearly communicate your feelings, most conflict will dissipate immediately.
If people are left unattended to think about a situation without any input or context from you – again, hear me now, WITHOUT ANY INPUT FROM YOU, their mind will default to the negative and wander towards the WORST POSSIBLE IRRATIONAL SCENARIO.
You are a key player in managing this situation. Input is REQUIRED and NECESSARY from you. Accept the challenge to communicate and diffuse situations and STOP before it gets out of hand!
Be the difference!