God did it for me… He’s going to give you your dream!
He’s no respecter of persons. But he’s a respecter of somebody that will close their ears to the outside and LISTEN TO THE VOICE ON THE INSIDE!
My Dad had me sowing money starting at age 8. By age 15, God supernaturally gave me a new Trans-am and I didn’t even have driver’s license. That car sat in the driveway 6 months and there’s nothing harder on your flesh than to look at a car in the driveway for 6 months!!!
It sounds like it doesn’t make sense, right? But sometimes God will have you BUILD THE GARAGE BEFORE YOU HAVE THE CAR!
Maybe you can’t drive yet…
- or you don’t have the skills yet
- or the education
- or the money
- or the clientele
- or the spouse
BUT YOU KNOW you need to get ready, because the day is coming when you WILL!
Don’t gauge things based on old information, get with young bucks who say, “I don’t have to gauge my life based on what other people have done, Jesus is going to do some crazy, exponential things!”
When God is in it, there is no limit!
- Jesus has MEGA FAITH in you.
- He has mega faith in your business.
- He has mega faith in that dream he gave you.
Don’t be like everyone around you and just view the world through normal eyes. Have “x-ray” vision and see the unseen. VISUALIZE.
Whatever your dream is, see it, symbolically reach up, grab it and never let it go!!!
Please let me know if and how this message may have spoken to you today. It will encourage myself and others who read it. I call you blessed!