Your habits determine your future and as with anything, the more you do that activity or task over and over it becomes easier. Many people confuse discipline and habit. Discipline is the conscious effort to BIRTH a habit. Once a habit is in place, less discipline is needed to reinforce it.
Habits become so natural that we do them subconsciously and this behavior no longer requires any effort whatsoever. Think about how when you first started driving a car, you had to think about every single motion, movement and activity and after a few years, you began to drive as if it were like breathing, with very little conscious thought.
Psychologists tell us that anything you do for 30 consecutive days, will become habit.
So if you keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, you’re insane!
But if you want to start a habit, that is EXACTLY what you should be doing!
The word of God is full of examples of people who had certain habits.
- David prayed seven times a day
- Daniel prayed three times a day
- Jesus took time by regular time to get away, get alone and pray
- Jesus said, “I was with you every day in The Temple sitting and teaching…” (Matthew 26:55)
Success depends on your habits.
For GREAT success, you need GREAT habits!
Your habits will determine if you are moving closer to your desired goal or further away from your dreams. I encourage you today to start some good habits that will overtake your bad habits.
Successful people do EVERY DAY what unsuccessful people do occasionally.
Please let me know if and how this message may have spoken to you today either in the comments below or on Facebook. It will encourage myself and others who read it. I call you blessed!