It is said that knowledge is power.
Likewise, the bible says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.“ (Hosea 4:6)
Sometimes we’re looking for something huge to destroy us like terrorism or cancer when in reality ignorance can be the deadliest of all. Destruction occurs when we don’t have the proper information to guide our life.
Wisdom can be found in many settings and ultimately we KNOW that the best book of knowledge is the Bible. You can get a degree in finance just by studying the book of Proverbs alone!
The knowledge we get from self-help books, podcasts, and motivational speakers is at its deepest roots from God’s word.
Even as you read this blog now, you are reflecting on tidbits of knowledge in your mind which are revealing insight to you that will make you better.
Start each day, reflect on what you know, ask God what he has to tell you, be open to and seek wisdom.
REMEMBER: the daily habits that you have right now will destroy you or lead you to do what you should be doing.
If the scripture at the top of this blog were flip-flopped we could say,
“My people are blessed because of knowledge!”
Please let me know if and how this message may have spoken to you today either in the comments below or on Facebook. It will encourage myself and others who read it. I call you blessed!