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Are You Available? - Pastor David CrankGod looks for availability, not capability.

You can read in the bible where God has used people who lied and made mistakes to do great things.

Peter thought he was sidelined forever, until God wanted to jump start the church and wanted to use Peter. Peter listened to that still small voice inside.

Have you ever had intuition or a “feeling” about something?
Have you ever said, something just told me to….
That’s the Holy Spirit guiding you. He guides you through small whispers of opportunities.

You might think you’re not good enough, so you won’t jump on the opportunities.

Stop comparing! It will kill your dreams!

When you look at your life, maybe all you see are those ungodly habits that you still have? You can’t conquer what you don’t hate. Keep talking to God about the things you shouldn’t be doing WHILE you are doing them. Eventually, you won’t want to do those things while being in a relationship with God and you’ll stop.

Meanwhile you will have been in relationship with God the whole time, getting His correction and direction, and being led by the still small whispers inside of you.


So listen to the voice, stop comparing and be obedient in the small things today!

Please let me know if and how this message may have spoken to you today either in the comments below or on Facebook. It will encourage myself and others who read it. I call you blessed!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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