A new engine out of the box and a new christian are similar in that neither are perfect as they get started and both need tweaks in order to reach the peaks.
God brings CORRECTION AND DIRECTION yet he’s very gentle about it.
He might say things like make church a priority and not an option or go apologize to your wife.
God wants to do great things through you that start with SMALL WHISPERS.
Some phones have a setting called “airplane mode” and when it’s on, no phone calls, texts or emails can be received. Don’t put yourself on “airplane mode” or you won’t be prepared to hear from God.
Sometimes you need to be still and listen.
Be still, and know that I am God!… Psalms 46:10
So many of us are uncomfortable with silence…yet silence can be the explanation point for something important!
If you feel like you’ve been benched and are blaming someone or something else for that, maybe it’s YOU.
Are you getting in God’s way by not being obedient?
By having a bad attitude?
By not being thankful?
By not spending time in his house?
Or time with him?
Are you giving him your first and best 1/10th?
Ask God to give you concepts and revelations that no one else has, ask him to reveal to you the areas where you need improvement, then be open to all that he says and ACCEPT THE CORRECTION AND DIRECTION!
Please let me know if and how this message may have spoken to you today either in the comments below or on Facebook. It will encourage myself and others who read it. I call you blessed!