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Pastor David Crank - Are You Diligent?
Diligence is giving speedy attention to the assigned task. It’s continuing to work on something that you know needs to be done until it’s finished. I tend to notice a direct correlation between SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE and their DILIGENT ATTITUDE.

The Bible says in Proverbs 10:4 that, “He who has a slack hand becomes poor, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.”

My wife Nicole is what I would call very diligent. She actually started making the bed today while I was still in it.

She had been out of town for a couple of days and please don’t tell her, but THE BED HAD NEVER BEEN MADE! My philosophy is that if I’m going to get back into the bed and no one’s coming over, why bother to make it?

Now with Nicole, her diligent switch is always flipped to the “On” position!

Nicole tends to be very diligent in EVERY area of her life.

I tend to be diligent in SOME areas of my life.

The fact is we might be diligent in one area of our lives but be less diligent in others. This doesn’t necessarily make us bad but we have to be careful so that we don’t allow those areas of less-diligence to INFLUENCE other areas of our life.

Consider making a list today of what needs to be done, then check it at the end of the day, see how diligent you were and use it as a MEASURING STICK FOR PROGRESS.


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David Crank

Author David Crank

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