When people in an organization are GIVEN authority and responsibility, they must ALSO BE GIVEN the necessary tools and resources needed to carry out their duties effectively.
If we want our team to be creative and resourceful and to take the organization to the next level THEN IT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY to empower them.
When you give someone responsibility but no authority, it ties their hands. Likewise, when given both of those yet with no resources, they are hamstrung. The hinging factor is YOUR backing as a leader. Your people need to know that when the chips are down, they have your support.
I watch many organizations struggle. The leader is perfectly willing to give the people authority. Those same leaders might be UNWILLING OR UNABLE to provide the money and power needed to implement their team’s new strategies and ideas.
If you want to stimulate growth in your organization make sure that YOU’RE PROVIDING ALL that your people need to get the job done. If they fail for lack of resources, ultimately it’s YOUR responsibility.
LEADERSHIP STARTS AT THE TOP, otherwise you might just be a people manager who is in the way of real solutions.
Are you doing ALL THAT YOU CAN for your team today?
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