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Pastor David Crank - Are You Avoiding A Difficult Conversation?
Have you ever noticed how we seem to shy away from having DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS? We seem to think that avoiding a conversation will make it go away, but it doesn’t, it just festers as we continue to hold onto it. Do you ever find yourself doing that?

We can be reluctant to have those conversations for a couple of reasons; one is that we don’t like confrontation and the other is that we’re afraid of hurting the other person.

When we continue to smile and act like things are all right, it only WORSENS THE SITUATION.

In Proverbs it says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.” (Proverbs 27:6)

Like a skilled surgeon, I believe TIMING AND DIPLOMACY can skillfully cut out the festering wound of this uncomfortable situation. This will enable the relationship to get healthy and balanced once again.

Try the following as a guide:

– have the conversation before the ‘molehill turns into a mountain

don’t embarrass the other person

– try to be thoughtful

minimize the finger-pointing

– leave the last 10% unsaid

Over the years, I have let the soft caring side of my personality lead us down the road towards being a “CORPORATE FAMILY“. There must be a BALANCE between the ‘family vibe’ and the ‘corporate vibe’ in order for an organization to continue to be productive.

I’d like to encourage you today to STOP AVOIDING that conversation that you know you need to have, whether corporately or at home and get that healthy balance back.

If you feel that this blog was inspirational I would love for you to share it with others on your social media influence.

David Crank

Author David Crank

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