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Pastor David Crank - Do You Think You're Picasso?
Owning an easel doesn’t make you Picasso, just like standing in a garage doesn’t make you a car.

You can be whatever you want to be as long as you try hard enough. That statement couldn’t be further from the truth. We all have God-given gifts and abilities. You cannot be ANYTHING you want to be, but YOU NEED TO BE whom God created you to be.

For example, let’s say that I TRY to be a painter. I take lessons by the greatest artists, using the greatest paint, brushes, canvas and easels, yet it is highly likely that the result would be horrible! No matter how hard I try, BEING AN ARTIST IS NOT MY GIFT.

Figure out what your strengths are, then strategize how to use them. Throw yourself into those strengths until you become the BEST IN YOUR FIELD. At times, your gift will flow so easily that you will feel guilty because it comes so naturally! You might even think, “Shouldn’t this be harder for me than it is?”

The Bible says, “Take his yoke upon you and learn of me, my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

God never intended for you to carry such a heavy burden while trying to be something you’re not.




Taking this step of faith and following this path, now you will be the Picasso of your Calling!

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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