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Pastor David Crank - Overanalyzing Is Not A Gift
Being an over-analyzer will steal your joy and peace, right along the lines of works of the flesh and legalism. This occurs when we try to figure out the big WHY, HOW, WHERE and WHEN. These four words can drive you crazy! And for some of us, crazy is not very long drive.

When we become over-analytical, our minds revolve around problems that may or may not happen. We try to understand and solve the problem causing us a whirlwind of confusion and anxiety.

In order to receive peace from the Holy Ghost, you’re going to have to stop spending all day searching for answers to situations you may never face!

Over-analyzing is NOT YOUR FRIEND.

For years, I thought I could be proud to have the gift of analyzing. It has come in handy a time or two, however, the gift that I considered a friend, was to become my enemy later in life.

There are a lot of things that God will want you to do that you cannot analyze. Some things require faith – a SIMPLE FAITH.

And without faith it is impossible to please God… (Hebrews 11:6)

When Peter walked on water, he over-analyzed the situation, and it cost him midway through his journey. Over-analyzing caused to him say you can’t walk on water when it’s windy! When in reality you can’t walk on water when it’s calm!

Consider this: You walk on water because you have faith, NOT because you over-analyzed a situation in which God has COMPLETE CONTROL.

Trusting God will get you further than analyzing – ANALYZE THAT!

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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