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Pastor David Crank - How Well Is Your Focus?
Why are THEY so successful?

Why do some people seem to go further in life than others when we all have the same amount of time? Do they work harder? Do they concentrate more? Or are they focused?

Consider the power and effectiveness of a magnifying glass or laser. These devices don’t try to do it all.

How is your focus?

Focus is defined as the state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition; well-defined; to pay particular attention to; to see clearly.

Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men… (Colossians 3:23)

Multitasking doesn’t work

What are you paying attention to? What are you focused on? You need to focus one thing at a time because multitasking doesn’t work.

When you multitask, nothing gets your full, skilled and highly intellectual attention. It takes too long to switch gears between tasks which wastes precious time.

Distractions are time thieves

– Email addiction
– Texting
– Social media

All of the above are distractions. All are time thieves.

Find focus in a distracted world. Take your time back!

I recently went on a date with my phone, er, wife. Or I was supposed to be on a date with my wife. Actually we were on a double date with our phones. I looked over, and she was smiling in response to a text. I wasn’t the one who put that smile on her face.

What you focus on is what grows (email) and what you focus on you keep (family).

Businesses can come and go, but you want family there when the business is no longer.

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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