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Pastor David Crank - Do You Take Rest & Relaxation?If we like R&R why don’t we take time for it?

R&R. Rest and Relaxation. Those are such appealing words and yet how many of us won’t give ourselves permission to enjoy it? We make long To Do lists and demand to get it all done.

Jesus modeled relaxation

Everything Jesus did had a purpose. He modeled R&R for us. Jesus was balanced. He took time by the lake. He took time away from people and enjoyed tranquility. Yet in his balance, he also had time relaxing WITH friends and he modeled self-control.

We need to have a hobby

In the U.S. we are so driven, that we think in order to be successful, we cannot take time off for a hobby. The fact is that you cannot truly be successful without a hobby.

Give yourself a break from the job. You need something that will enable you to disconnect from the pressure. This activity needs to allow your brain to do something entirely different.

It’s not just about fun but REST

Jesus slept on a boat in the middle of a storm. He modeled that we MUST rest. Our body needs to recharge after an eight to ten hour day.

Change gears and go the distance

If you keep treating your body as if your life is a sprint, it may as well be a car that you’re driving from New York to Miami in FIRST GEAR!

Switch gears.
Lower your RPM’s.
You’ll go further faster.

It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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