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The Positive Life: Worry
Worry can be a generational problem. Maybe our Granddaddy passed it on to our Dad, and then he passed it on to us. I’ll admit that I had it, but what was I going to do? Well, I had to renew my mind!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

Bob Marley testified to that truth in one of his songs: “The landlord said ‘your rent is late, you might have to litigate.’ Don’t worry, be happy.” I think he might have been onto something.

Tell God what you need… and then thank Him for what He has done.

The key is to thank God for what He has done.

Oh you think God hasn’t done anything for you?

If you woke up today in the greatest country in the whole wide world, the United States of America, with breath in your lungs and britches on your legs then God has done something for YOU!

He sent Christ to die on the cross for your sins and to deliver you in His power. Go ahead – thank Him for it!

The apostle Paul found contentment and peace in the strength of Christ. This allows us to rest secure instead of having our minds roam down roads of negativity.

If God cares for the birds in the air and the flowers of the field, He is going to supply EVERYTHING WE NEED throughout life. I don’t care what happens in the world, we can walk by faith and not by sight. Remember God said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:5

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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