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Is Your Imagination Limiting You?
When I was a kid, I had a vivid imagination. In the backyard, I would close my eyes and run my little trucks through the dirt and they became REAL to me. Then I could flip the switch and come right back to reality. Great things begin in your imagination as YOU see it through YOUR mind’s eye.

THINK about it, God did.

In Genesis 1, the Amplified bible translation says, “He was brooding over it.” Meaning God was in deep thought about creating the heavens and earth. Google the word brooding and see what it says about it. It might be nesting, hovering, or deep thought.

Step out of the REAL world and get back into your Imagination!

God was using His imagination to become this creative Author of the universe, and He was stretching and pushing the boundaries. With us humans, the funny thing about the imagination is that it seems to go away as we get older. It’s as if life talks us out of it. We begin thinking, “I don’t have an imagination, I have to live in the real world.”

Don’t let “reality” limit you! Push YOURSELF!

I want to encourage you today to PUSH YOURSELF and say that you don’t have to live in the real world being limited by the boundaries of your current circumstance and current problems. You can look outside of those things and say, “Wait a minute. God has something really big on the inside of me and I need to brood over it. I NEED TO PUSH THE BOUNDARIES!!!

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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