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Goals And Boundaries: Sacrificing Long Term Goals For Short Term Delights
When I’m walking through the grocery store, and I walk by the bakery and smell those fresh donuts I am tempted to sacrifice my goal to lose weight for this temporary delight. When we have clearly defined goals, and we KNOW WHAT WE WANT, we tend to make better decisions more often.

Do we REALLY have to work more hours to get ahead?

Some individuals in our society believe they have to sacrifice their marriage or time with their kids in order to get ahead in business. But if we aren’t talking to our spouse, someone else will be.

Are you truly there for your family?

When Eve was tempted, we don’t know why Adam didn’t intervene and back her up when she was under attack. She tried to stand firm in repeating what she had been told that God had said, and Eve made a decision that affects all women to this day. It’s not ALL Eve’s fault. Adam had his part to play, but Adam and Eve were a team. They failed together.

Family is a team. You succeed and fail together.

After Adam and Eve’s failure, they looked at the resources that were placed before them, reassessed, created new goals with what they had to work with and together they pressed on.

A failure is a setback that sets us up for a comeback.

There are people who don’t believe that God can pave the way to success without them sacrificing precious time with family and putting in more hours. Are your kids basically saying, “Pay attention to me!” in a variety of ways? They just want your focused time.

There is no goal that we can set where God will advise us to sacrifice people over tangible things.

Your goal might be success in business, but God is all about relationships. God values relationships personally and professionally. Within our long term goals, our family should be the priority.

Love isn’t just looking into one another’s eyes, but it’s looking in the same direction together.

Take these things into consideration this week as we continue to talk about goal-setting. If we are going to get ANYWHERE in life, we need goals which create a defined direction.

Goals: We can get on any road and it will take us anywhere, but will it take us where we want to go?

As we set goals and boundaries, I’d like to encourage you to start thinking about the different areas of your life where you can start making concessions in order to get more balance. Remember, small things, on a regular basis, make a big difference!

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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