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Are You Living Life In A Bubble?
How many of us are living life in a bubble? Sometimes we go through things that cause us to create a bubble around ourselves, it might be a divorce, a financial setback, or something that blew us away that we didn’t expect. We’re afraid to love, lead or learn again. One is a lonely number.

In isolation, the enemy will take us out.

There is a reason the bible says, “It is not good that man should be alone.” The enemy separates one individual from the herd in order to make that individual vulnerable. You know the old saying, “There is safety in numbers.” He uses subtle lies to convince us to either stay busy or stay home, but the main message is to stay alone. Then while we’re alone, he has time to plant more doubt and insecurity within us. It’s a well-rounded plan to TAKE US OUT.

You can’t handle the Truth!

As people try to speak truth to us, we’re so busy believing the lies that we just want to further isolate ourselves from everyone because we don’t want to hear truth anymore. We’re comfortable in our isolation, or so we have led ourselves to believe. It’s “safe” right?

We need OTHER inputs (TV doesn’t count).

The bible says, “A double-minded person is unstable in all of his ways.” We might argue that we aren’t double-minded or confused, yet we stay home and isolate ourselves. We do this knowing that the bible says, “we should gather together with other believers.” (Hebrews 10:25)

Lies that Cause Us to Reach For the Wrong Things

When we stay in isolation, we begin to reach for the wrong things. It’s easy to listen to the voice inside that says we don’t need help, we don’t need anyone. Some of the bigger lies we believe are:
– God is not FOR us
– People are not FOR us
– We are never going to LOVE again
– We are never going to LEAD again

Feelings are Fickle!

When going through a trial or a test, we cannot isolate ourselves which opens the door for the devil. He will use our feelings against us. Our feelings will go back to the last thing we “had”, and the enemy will try to use that to destroy us.

“The thief comes to steal kill and destroy.” (John 10:10)

I am begging you, whatever held you back in the past, that has kept you in the bubble, u>bust that bubble today and GET OUT! Get back to your life, get on with your life, and let Jesus do what He started in you.

If it were easy, you would already be doing it and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. So I want to encourage you today to GET MOVING because YOUR BEST DAYS ARE AHEAD OF YOU!


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David Crank

Author David Crank

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