Do you ever think “they” are smarter than me, older than me, or have more experience than me? What is going on? We listen to all of the outside and inside voices that want to influence and control us. We listen to people over us, beside us, and subordinate to us. We listen to imaginary people that we don’t even know but that we imagine are out there saying things about what we are doing or how we are behaving. The enemy is creative in how he comes against us. We need to understand the strategy of the enemy.
Inadequacy: People Influence
Sometimes people offer unsolicited advice when they hear we are challenged with a situation (or just because they feel like it.) At other times we seek advice. We need to be careful whom we allow to speak into our life. We need to be careful whom we ALLOW to influence us and our decisions. God is the only one who knows what is around the corner for us.
Inadequacy: Circumstance Influence
I have been challenged by divorce, death of a loved one, personal relationships and rejection, finances, taking on overwhelming responsibility in a short time and moving God’s vision forward. The battle is the Lord’s. We have to trust that God will move what we cannot see into the realm where we can see. We have to walk by faith and not by sight (circumstances).
Inadequacy: Past Experience And Fear
We’ve all experienced pain. Honestly if we’ve never gone through a powerful thunderstorm, how can we enjoy the sunny, calm day? If we’ve never experienced rejection or disappointment, how can we know how wonderful it is when we are accepted and people come through?
The Enemy Cannot Get A Foothold When We Are Full To Overflowing With God’s Word
God IS the Word. The Word is the answer to any question. The Word and evil (anything not of God) cannot exist in the same place at the same time. The more we fill our heart and mind with God’s Word, the more we think and talk about it, the less room there is for doubt or negative thinking. The more God fills our thoughts, the more we acknowledge Him, the less of a foothold the enemy can get in our life to influence us.
Encouragement For You
I’d like to encourage you today to fill your heart and mind with God’s Word this week. Think about it, research it (Google it or use a Concordance or Commentary), talk about it, ask God what He wants to show you and pay attention. He’s talking to you through His Word. He’s bridging the gaps where you fall short. In fact He wants to fill you full to overflowing. Are you reading?
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