We all have hopes, goals, and dreams that we want to become reality and the sooner the better.
Often we feel defeated when these exciting dreams of ours take TIME to fully manifest and sometimes we can become aggravated with everyone including God.
I love the scripture that says, “you have need of patience.” – Hebrews 10:36
I need patience and I need it QUICK!! 🙂
The delays that happen on the journey make this season even sweeter when the manifestation “finally” arrives.
We cannot lose sight of the big picture
One of the things that has helped me as a young energetic leader with a highly strung personality is to remind myself that this is not a permanent situation this is “only a delay”.
We cannot allow delays be distractions that deter us from reaching our assigned life goal.
Maybe it seems like an extremely long delay but keep your chin up!
Know that beyond a shadow of a doubt, the detours God allows into your life will help you arrive at your destination right on time and as a much fuller, richer, and more mature individual.
So remember… You’re not being denied, it’s a temporary delay and delays are all part of the process!