One of the mistakes I have made over the years is being in a tremendous hurry to hire staff.
Due to the explosive growth we’ve experienced, it’s put pressure on me to try to build the team as fast as possible.
I once heard a minister say:
“Psalm 23 doesn’t work for me. I’ve never had a ‘staff’ that comforted me!”
(Click on the Link and you’ll get the punch line.)
Lessons Learned.
I’ve learned over the past few years that nothing will kill your office momentum (or steal your energy) like hiring the wrong person.
Likewise, nothing can help your corporation or ministry grow more than hiring the right person.
Always hire people with integrity.
There have been a couple of times that I’ve let someone’s talent override their character flaws. It’s easy to make this mistake when you’re in a hurry, but trust me, it will come back to bite you.
Train up a person with Character and Integrity and you will benefit from them staying with you long term, rather than hiring a “talented” person whom you will lose when something better comes along.
Don’t allow an untrustworthy person into your organization.
More than once, I’ve turned a blind eye to things I’ve heard or witnessed, because I was in too much of a hurry to get somebody to fill the position.
The Bible is right when it says, “What you compromise to keep, you will lose…” Not only will you lose the person who has the integrity issues, but their behavior will poison other good team members that you need in your organization.
While it looks like you’re going faster, you’re really going slower, because YOU lose when you allow people with character flaws to infiltrate your organization.
By the way, this works in marriage as well, when you get in a hurry, because you feel like you NEED someone bad, you might just GET someone “bad”.
When you allow partial commitment, you are compromising.
Never settle for partial commitment to you or your organization.
Early on, when people would have partial commitment to the vision that God has for the church in his Word, I would still allow them onto the team. Partial commitment never works.
The Bible says “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”
It’s hard enough to run an organization, build a team, or build a marriage with someone who thinks they can only give you half of their heart or time. To build anything great, marriage or otherwise, there has to be 100% commitment to the cause… NEVER settle for anything less, if you do, it will never be successful.
Speaking from experience, never settle for second-best when God has the best for you.
It might seem like it’s taking longer but really it’s the fastest path to where you want to be.