I’ve been practicing a new technique it’s called “thinking before I speak”. It might sound funny but often times I don’t think before I speak. I just start to talk and then think, “What was I thinking!!!”
Proverbs 16:23 says, “The heart of the wise teaches his mouth and adds learning to his lips.”
Unnecessary words sometimes have very little value but they do penetrate deep into the soul of someone that we care about.
Try to picture our words as arrows shooting from our mouths into our co-workers or loved ones.
Many times when we are upset, words fly right out of our mouths and if we could see what is truly happening, we would see people walking around with the loads of “arrows” sticking out of them from both the front and the back.
Proverbs 18:21 says, “The power of death and life are in the tongue.”
Those of us that talk a lot, need to exercise EXTREME CAUTION.
The more we speak the higher the likelihood of injuring others becomes. Idle words are the first thing we need to cut!
Quite often, things are going fine, and then for some reason I just begin to talk about nonsense and the more I talk, the deeper I get! Within minutes, the conversation accelerates into a heated debate and I ask myself, “WHY in the world did I even start this conversation?”.
Your Words are powerful, don’t be careless with the words you choose. Specially when speaking!!