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Ephesians 4:26 – “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry”

Something has been raging inside humans since the beginning of time and it’s a destructive emotion called anger. It’s the root cause of the destruction of the first family. Remember the story, when Cain let his anger boil over to the point of murdering his own brother Abel? Anger is a deadly emotion that has been the ruin of millions of marriages, families, relationships, & corporate empires.

Eph. 4:30 says that it “grieves” the Holy Spirit of God when we operate in anger-related emotions such as bitterness, wrath, or evil-speaking. Anger-related sin gets the best of us and keeps us from what God is trying to do in our lives.

When I recently wondered why the Holy Spirit grieves when I get angry, I believe he spoke this to me: “When you get angry you lose your joy, contentment, and peace, and I called you to live in joy. After all, David, it is your strength.” Not only does the Bible say that the joy of the Lord is your strength, but one of the key ingredients of my ministry is that I “sell” joy.

My preaching style is not “preachy” it’s a lighthearted study into God’s Word. Ultimately this ministry is riding on me truly projecting the spirit of joy. I can’t do that and live an angry life.

It grieves me to see others frustrated, discontented and angry! So the next time you’re in traffic or in the TSA security line at the airport and you notice yourself getting angry really quick, Calm down…

Know that it’s going to rob you of your joy and peace, but MOST OF ALL, that it will grieve the Holy Spirit to see you not living life to the max and fulfilling your hopes and dreams.

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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