We can’t have a good marriage if our marital relations are all about us. It better be all about our mate if we want to continue to mate. Selfless means less focus on ourselves or no benefit to us. Selfless service means it’s not all about us.
It’s not what we do when people are watching but what we do when they are not. Jesus served the people around him. Jesus modeled the most basic of service. He led by example. There are times I will pick up trash as I’m walking through the church or grounds, and then others will follow suit. I’d like to encourage you to act if you see something that needs to be done whether it is your assigned task or not. God is always watching.
God is excellent, and he deserves a level of excellence. He deserves for us to represent his house with excellence and to be members of his family showing care and concern for others. As we walk through his house do we complain or try to be the difference? Do we talk to that person sitting alone? Or help someone who looks lost? Or just smile at the next person we pass? Do we talk to those around us? Or offer to help someone who seems short-handed? Excellence doesn’t think that someone else will do it; excellence steps up and makes the difference.
You are the difference. I’d like to encourage you today to be the difference everywhere you go. Be the difference the next time you attend your nearest Faith Church location. If you attend through our online campus, please interact with us and each other on Facebook. Just as every grain of sand makes up the beach, every person in the church makes the difference. Think about how you can do that this week. You make the difference!