When we order something online, we don’t hit send on our computer screen and then go to the front door and expect to see a package a few minutes later. The delivery time of online items can be up to 4-6 weeks. Why is it that we expect the same when we pray for and believe for healing?
“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” (Matthew 21:22)
The Process
When we read the thermostat in the house, and it reads 50 degrees, but we want it to say 68 degrees, we change the setting so that the room warms up. But if it doesn’t happen in the next 30 seconds, we don’t start praying and begging God to make the thermometer and thermostat match. We believe that in time the thermometer will register to read the same as the thermostat. We believe this because we changed the setting. We made up our mind and walked away to give it time to give us the results we want.
“We walk by faith and not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)
You might be in the PROCESS of healing. Celebrate the little victories until you are delivered. Were you a little bit better today than yesterday or last month or last year? Focus on how far you’ve come and be patiently waiting!
…We shall reap, if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9)
Don’t Give Up!
I encourage you today to believe that you receive, wait patiently, celebrate every small victory as the process unfolds. God is always working behind the scenes whether we “see” it or not.