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May I Carry That For You?

Isn’t it nice when the individual bagging our groceries asks, “Would you like me to help carry these groceries to your car?” Or when someone holds a door open for you when your arms are full? But there are times that we don’t want help and we fight for the right to do things for ourselves. For example, people will argue with medical staff to walk on their own when policy requires that they are wheeled out in a wheelchair after an outpatient procedure. It doesn’t matter if that person is capable of walking on their own; those are the rules. Why won’t we accept help? Why do we fight to carry our burden?

Burden-Carrying Guidance: Let Go And Let God

The anointing will destroy the yoke around your neck and remove the burden from your shoulders. (Isaiah 10:27 paraphrased)

Give your worries, concerns, struggles and fears to God because our problems matter to him. (1 Peter 5:7 paraphrased)

The Burden Is Not Ours To Carry

It doesn’t matter if we are able to carry our burdens. THE BURDEN IS NOT OURS TO CARRY. We don’t function effectively while carrying burdens. The junk from our past weighs us down and THEN we feel guilty because we aren’t allowing the anointing to take our burdens away from us. Jesus walks with us daily and offers to carry our load. So why don’t we give it to him or why do we try to take it back? Why do we ask to walk when we can be carried?

David Crank

Author David Crank

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