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When I was growing up, we didn’t have health insurance. We lived in a travel trailer and moved from place-to-place for my Dad to preach. My Dad liked to say that we had blessed assurance. And we did. God met our needs. And my Dad followed the teaching, “the generous shall prosper.” (Proverbs 11:25)

One Dollar A Day

My Dad was watching a spiritual teaching on television. He didn’t have much money, so he was trying to be generous with what he had. God nudged him to sow thirty dollars a month to a specific ministry. And God pressed Dad to send one dollar a day and not to wait thirty days to come up with the money.

Collecting Bottles

My Dad had us searching for soda bottles that we could turn in for ten cents a bottle. He did this for years. Whether we were in Georgia, Alabama or some other state, we found the money every day, and we mailed that dollar to this ministry every day. My Dad was faithful and committed to this instruction from God.

The Commitment And The Sacrifice

For my Dad, it was a commitment and a sacrifice to come up with that dollar a day. As you look at your daily spending, is there anything that God is nudging you to stop spending so that you can tithe? How often do we eat out or go to Starbucks, yet we say we can’t afford to tithe?

Establish The Habit

This instruction from God to my Dad wasn’t as much about the dollar amount as it was establishing a habit of regular sowing. This practice puts the giver into a mindset of giving, instead of focusing on the inability to give and how much they don’t have. The right mindset finds a way. It’s more about habit and being willing and less about dollar amount.

A generous person will prosper, and anyone who gives water will receive a flood in return. (Proverbs 11:25)

David Crank

Author David Crank

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