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I’ve noticed at times that I’ll be driving down the road and the I’ll let out a big sigh. I begin to realize that something is bugging me. It might have been a beautiful day and nothing in particular happened, but something got into the car with me. It was a negative thought.

Where The Mind Goes, The Man Follows

My negative thought started causing me to feel anxious. So how I was thinking was affecting how I felt physically. That’s not the way to have a prosperous day. The Bible reads, pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweetness to the mind and health to the body (Proverbs 16:24).

The Bible Tells Us What To Think About

If we want healthy lives, then we can’t allow the thoughts that come into our head to dominate our life. That’s why the Bible reads, take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5). It also tells us what to think about after we’ve caught those thoughts, whatsoever things are pure, just, honest, of good reports, think on these things (Philippians 4:8).

Keep Your Mind Set

Just like we have to reset our alarm clock when the power goes out, we have to reset our mind. Our mind can become unset, unsettled, disturbed. God is for you and not against you. The enemy is against you, but how you settle your mind determines how you settle your day. Kick out the uninvited negative thoughts and refocus your thinking on good things.

Be Encouraged

No weapon formed against you will prosper (Isaiah 54:17). Some weapons will be formed, but they WILL NOT PROSPER. Go out today knowing that I speak healing over you, I speak prosperity over you, and I speak peace over you. Go out today knowing that if God is for you, who and what can be against you? (Romans 8:31)

David Crank

Author David Crank

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