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I saw a guy fishing on Palm Beach the other day and you could tell he was broke, fishing, smiling and yelling, “Hey good morning, how are you doing?” I thought this guy’s got no pressures in the world at all. Some other guy is walking past him all stressed out, and he’s not even having as much fun as this guy. Riches are not about money.

Where Are The Riches?

If that had been me out there, I’d have had all kinds of gadgets and a comfy chair and cooler. Where he was fishing and enjoying the process, I would have been googling, “Where are the fish on Palm Beach?” I know many people who are very wealthy and yet have no money at all.

Are We Looking In The Right Places?

Money doesn’t make you happy, but it doesn’t make you sad either. The Bible reads, The blessing of the LORD, it makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22 If we find that the more we own, the more sorrow (grief, trouble, depression) we have, then we are seeking joy in the wrong places.

The Wealth Of Wisdom In Proverbs

The book of Proverbs in the Bible has 31 chapters, and I believe that is one chapter for each day of the month. I read it daily, and it has amazing insight to help us walk through our day. When pride comes, then comes shame: but with the lowly is wisdom. Proverbs 11:2 After I read that I began to examine my life for areas of pride. It says, when pride comes, then shame follows. I don’t want to feel shame, so I need to deal with this area.

Be Encouraged!

I encourage you to read Proverbs every day. God has wisdom in Proverbs that can change your life. Let me know in the comments what verse in Proverbs is one you like or have read recently that you think applies to your life. I’d like to hear! I call you blessed!

David Crank

Author David Crank

More posts by David Crank

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  • Wendy Cramer says:

    “Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” is my favorite as our of the mind is the battlefield of our life, if our mind can be set on the things of God, the words of God then our life will not struggle.

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