Human beings are awesome. Put the Holy Spirit in one of these bodies and they are phenomenal. In the Bible, Jesus cast a demon out of a man and into some pigs (at the request of the demon). The pigs were out of control and ran off of a cliff and died. When the demon was in the man, the man was still able to operate as a human being. There is an authority on mankind that is not on animals.
Go Be Great
God is looking for someone to go into politics, movies, or to start organizations. He is looking for businessmen and women to fund blankets, winter coats, wells, getting girls out of sex trafficking, building churches, and getting the word out to the world through television and online campuses.
Getting Tough/h4>
None of the things I just listed are going to happen if we don’t get tough with the devil. This is why I take my Bible everywhere. I reach out and touch it in the middle of the night. When my lower back hurts, I lean up against it. The devil is afraid of what is in the Bible even if you don’t know what’s in it. It’s a loaded gun.
Be Encouraged!
Put a burning desire in people to use their Bible, to wield it, and to read your will so that they can KNOW and BENEFIT from their inheritance.
Say It With Me
I am called, and I am qualified. I am assigned, and I know who I am. The Word can solve my problem. I’ll never be the same another day in my life. I decree and declare that promotion is on the way, I’m free, I’m delivered, and I’m happy! I call you blessed! Amen!