We all have things we want in life. We have things God has placed in our heart to pursue for his purpose. These things become dreams and goals. But life can get in the way and create obstacles. Some of us make it over or around those obstacles and some just get stuck and allow the obstacles to stop them. I’d like to offer you a strategy for being stuck or enduring what you’re going through so that you can get to the other side and realize that dream.
The Strategy
Whatever your situation is, I want you to think less about what you’re going through and more about what you’re going to. When David faced Goliath, he kept asking the question, “What do I get again?” He was reminding himself what he was going To. He was going To the King’s daughter; he was going To a life of no taxes and many other benefits. By reminding himself of those things, it helped him to press through his current situation.
Goal = Go All In
Maybe this year your goal is to lose the weight, get the job or get the girl. Whatever it is, there will be pain and heartache. There are always pits on the way to the palace (Genesis 37;39-42). If you focus more on where you’re going and less on what you’re going through, it will give you the courage to press through to the other side. Specific goals are your commitment to that path.
Be Encouraged
Lord, help my friends to see that good intention never changed a life. Help them to use the setbacks and betrayals as a launching pad to keep the momentum toward their goal. Your word reads, without a vision, my people perish (Proverbs 29:18). Put a fire in them to get specific in their goals and to get determined to get their eyes off of the Through and onto the To! Amen.