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We fill our time with so many activities that most of us are exhausted. When we are tired we sweat the small stuff. Our focus turns inward towards our need for rest. That means we have a lower tolerance for others and the things they do. Or for the situations that are happening to us such as a flat tire, crying baby, or an overdue bill that accidentally did not get paid.

Try Not To Become Angry Quickly

Our fuse is short. We are so self-focused that we are ready to take it out on anything that comes between us and rest for our body, mind and soul. That would be just about everyone and everything that crosses our path.

We Become Easily Offended

Our view of the world is tainted by the fog of exhaustion. We magnify the small things, and what someone intended as a joke, we end up taking seriously. Very small issues seem very large and annoying to us; we overreact, and everyone around us suffers the aftermath.

We Lose Our Humility And Become Prideful And Arrogant

When we are tired our body is in a state of self-preservation. That could be viewed as self-entitlement. And if we are feeling entitled then we are not humble or considering anyone else. The likely result is proud and arrogant behavior that is all about us. I DESERVE REST! (Of course, we do, but we don’t have to take it out on everyone else.) In that state of mind, how can anyone be humble?

We Don’t Like Anyone Including Ourselves

Have you ever gotten mad that you pushed yourself so hard and got THIS tired? There could be a variety of reasons that we ended up this completely exhausted. We aren’t happy with ourselves or anyone else. Nothing is going to make us happy as long as we are drained and not thinking clearly. We need to get right with ourselves before we can consider trying to get along with anyone else.

David Crank

Author David Crank

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