There are so many people who are hurting so badly and yet they won’t ask for help. No matter how much a person needs help, they are NOT going to get it until they are willing to ask God and other people to help them.
I look back at my early years of building the church and how I didn’t want to bother people. I would feel sorry for myself and get aggravated, working hours and hours by myself. I can even recall feeling sorry for myself, muttering under my breath, “I can’t believe I’m doing all this work alone and nobody’s helping me.” It was a pity party that began to accelerate and it was MY fault because there were people who would help me, I just needed to ask!
Don’t fall for the lie that you can do it all yourself, even the tortoise on the fencepost had help getting there.
Go now and ask someone else to help you with something that is too heavy for you to carry right now.
In the Bible, John 14:6 says, “…I am the way….” choose to lean on God today.