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A cancer of the soul is unforgiveness that festers in our hearts and minds.

If we aren’t extremely cautious, we can choose to overlook unforgiveness in our own heart and rationalize it in our minds, which leads to not forgiving completely!

“Smart people know how to hold their tongue; their grandeur is to forgive and forget.” – Proverbs 19:11 (MSG)

Many times in my life, I’ve used the excuse that I need to “protect my heart” because I don’t want to get hurt again. By shielding and protecting my own heart I have allowed little seeds of unforgiveness to be planted, which grow a harvest of negative attitudes and chips on my shoulder, that God never intended for me to have…

The Protector of our heart is GOD not me or you!!!!! When we forgive and forget, this is God’s protection mechanism for us, this allows his glory and his word to be activated in our lives.

Unforgiveness is like using a kitchen bowl to drain the oil in your car, only washing that bowl with water afterwards and then putting ice cream into it. When you don’t forgive completely, there is always a little residue left behind and until you do, nothing tastes the same.

When you forgive and forget it releases you, it releases God’s favor in your life, and God’s protection over your life at a MEGA level!!!

To each one of you reading this, I want to encourage you to forgive and forget. Let bygones be bygones. Admit it, Quit it and Forget it! Don’t use the excuse of “protecting your heart” to hold onto unforgiveness.

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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