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Pastor David Crank - Are You Critical Of Your Cracks?
We’re all cracked pots. Did you ever think that your cracks could be used for God’s glory? Check out this Chinese proverb and see if you can relate, because I can.

There were two pots that were carried down a path to gather water. One pot was flawless, while the other was cracked. The cracked pot was feeling insecure about its cracks and apologized one day for always being half empty by the time they got back to the house from the river.

The woman who carried them said to the cracked pot, “I knew you had a crack problem, so I put flower seeds under your leak. Did you not notice the flowers that are growing only on your side of the path? YOU DID, IN YOUR CRACKED CONDITION, WHAT THE FLAWLESS POT COULD NOT.

In Genesis 2:7, the bible says, …God formed a man from the dust of the ground…”

The word ‘formed’ in Genesis is the same Hebrew word that was used in the Potter and clay story in Jeremiah 18:1-6. God told Jeremiah to watch the Potter shape and mold his clay. Even when the clay seems to be a useless lump, the potter reworks it into a new vessel, and likewise we are also molded in Gods’ hands.

God chooses things the world considers foolish to shame the wise… (1 Corinthians 1:27)
God work all things for the good of those that love him… (Romans 8:28)
God will finish the good work he has begun in you… (Philippians 1:6)

Try getting a different perspective of your cracks today. Don’t be so hard on yourself and consider the possibility that you are a work-in-progress, being molded by God and that he is using your cracks in GREAT WAYS!

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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