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I want to paint a couple of pictures for you. There are two men and both own Chevy Tahoe’s. One is celebrating a newly purchased fully LOADED model while the other could only afford the stripped down version. In another scenario, a woman walks in wearing a gorgeous perfectly tailored dress. Another woman is in the room who can’t afford the dress or who wouldn’t be able to wear it as well. In both of these scenarios, how does the second person react? What are they thinking? Rejoice with those that rejoice…do not be prideful… (Romans 12:15-16)

Pride Stays Intact By Tearing Down Others

When someone has something you want or wish for, find a way to encourage them. Celebrate their success, blessing, or how good they look. Encourage them. And be thankful for you what you have. Don’t allow pride to tell you that you deserve what they have, use their success to inspire you and motivate you. Don’t allow your pride to tear them down.

Pride Cannot Rejoice With Others

People filled with pride cannot rejoice with those who rejoice. Pride looks out for itself, so it is unable to support, encourage, or rejoice with others. It is too busy comparing and trying to one-up everyone else to continue to look good in its own eyes. Pride goes before destruction and haughtiness [self-importance] before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18)

Don’t Be Too Prideful To Be Impressed

If we are impressed, we are encouraging someone else. We are complimenting them. We are not focused on how we look. Pride is a self-war. Pride pushes people away, creates division, and closes doors. Whereas humility opens doors and makes us more useful to God. Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate, and humble. (1 Peter 3:8)

David Crank

Author David Crank

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