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I was talking to a gentleman who is a very successful business owner in Florida. He founded several big organizations that if I told you their name, you’d know them, and he sold them for a lot of money. We were talking the other day, and he said something that resonated with me. He started talking about one of the presidential candidates that he’s good friends with right now.

Choose Company That Grows You

He said, “I wish he would better himself every day.” He loves this guy, but he said, “There are a few things this guy needs to know.”

He shared the following. “If I were him while I’m traveling between cities during the presidential campaign, for each flight I’d invite someone to join me, and I would listen.”

1. “I’d invite a specific person to explain to me everything he can about foreign policy.”

2. “The next flight, I’d ask a specific person to tell me everything he can about healthcare, what American’s need, and where we’re at right now.”

“If I were him, I’d surround myself with people who help me to grow and to be a better person.”

Our Difference Begins In Our Next Decision

The difference in our life next year, next month or even tomorrow is in the books we read and the people that we associate ourselves with. One of the ways we can go further faster is to better ourselves every day.

What Have You Done To Better Yourself Today?

For starters, you read this blog and received some information that might help you view your life differently, and that is a positive step to better yourself!

David Crank

Author David Crank

More posts by David Crank

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  • Sue strain says:

    You encourage people to step out of their comfort zone, and I love that about you and Pastor Nicole! Well I am definitely stepping out of mine! I know you both encourage healthy living, and, in fact, your numerous sermons and teachings have caused me to really look at what I have been eating, and how stress had caused me to eat all kinds of junk foods. For the past several months, I have been involved in an amazing nutrition program which has helped me to lose weight, gain energy, and feel terrific! I know you are a smoothie fan, but if you are ever interested in a complete nutrition program – send me a message!
    Thank you for your encouraging words and I look forward to attending services every week and reading you and Pastor Nicole’s blogs!

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