We all tend to turn to a friend for advice about a problem at one time or another. We express our concerns or frustrations. We might share how we’ve analyzed it and tried to figure it out on our own. We hope they will present a solution that we haven’t…
We are blessed to be a blessing. Don’t be that person that hoards all of their money, only takes care of themselves and never serves anyone else. Maybe you visit people in prison or maybe you have the gift of hospitality, or administration, whatever your gift, make sure you are…
When our church began growing (think about your family or business), I had to adapt. I took down pictures of what used to be. I painted the walls black. I went on TV and didn’t ask for money. The church bought one campus and then another and then another and…
Just 40 years ago, we had a newspaper to read in the morning, three channels to watch on television, we had a few billboards and magazines. Now we have exponentially more options that compete for our time. We have smartphones that put dumb distractions at our fingertips, hundreds of channels…
We tend to believe that if we had more faith, if we had done better, if we had gotten saved sooner, if we had saved more money..then things would be better. NO! The Bible says if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, then we can move mountains!…
It can be easy to think, “I’m going to base what God is GOING to do in my life, on what God has already done in my life.” That’s a BIG MISTAKE! God can do exceedingly, abundantly, more than we could ever think ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). God is…
How often do we make decisions when we are exhausted or drained that we later wish we had not? It’s a trap that many people fall into, and it IS a trap. Many of us do not stay aware of our physical, emotional and spiritual state. We drain each of…
When we build walls to protect ourselves, we have to live behind those walls. If you find yourself looking at a someone walking by thinking, “They’re not all that.” Or “I look better than they do.” You’re probably living behind a wall. Judge not lest ye be judged. (Matthew 7:1)….
We tend to get so focused on what we aren’t going to do that we end up doing exactly that. How many of us have made New Year’s resolutions only to see it in the rear view mirror after a few weeks. This happens because we don’t make that decision…
Without a vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). Vision helps us to see where we are going. It provides focus. No one wanders into their dream. It requires intentional living and purposeful choices. Your dream can happen. You have a thumbprint that makes an imprint only YOU can provide. It…
We go on a trip, and we look at the group photo. Who do we look for first? Ourselves! That’s pride. How many of us reserve the right to approve any photo before it gets posted on social media? That’s PRIDE! God Jacked Me Up! If we think that God…
Men, you have more influence with women and your daughters than you think. I’m here to tell you it’s never too late. Do you ever feel like what you say doesn’t matter? It does. Consider that your words make a difference in the lives of the women around you. The…