We’ve all lost our keys from time to time. Can you imagine having one key for everything? I was touring a building the a few years back, and this guy was showing me around but he couldn’t get into certain doors. He had several keys, but he didn’t have a…
My Dad had the credit chat with me when I was 15. He had me get a secured credit card where I had to put $300 on the card, and then I couldn’t go over that limit. I bought and purchased items, then immediately wrote checks to pay the card….
There once was a donkey that fell into a well. The people couldn’t get him out, so they threw dirt on him. He shook the dirt off his back and stepped on it. As the well filled with dirt, the donkey began to rise in spite of his circumstances. When…
CONFIDENCE IS the key to effective decision-making. There are times that we have convictions and in that moment we need to act on them. If we doubt our decision while making it, we need to go ahead and follow through. We need to trust our gut and our leadership skills….
Sometimes we sit around talking about the good ole days. It seems like we remember them as being better than they were. Why is it so easy to forget the bad and to only remember the good? Do we want to get rid of indoor plumbing or electricity? And yet…
How would you feel if your child or a friend made a mistake and then decided that because he had made a mistake, he never wanted to talk to you again? I hear people say, “I don’t talk to God because I feel like he’s mad at me.” They have…
With every new level, obstacle and challenge, God has prepared a way of escape. When we go through tough stuff, we tend to ask a lot of questions. And when we are freaking out, our questions don’t always make sense. We need to stop questioning and trust God. It might…
Temptation is part of being human, but giving into it is like giving up. You can’t avoid it, even Jesus couldn’t avoid it! Temptation is one of the realities of the Christian life…of life PERIOD! We HAVE to face this potential stumbling block to our future success. We can and…
Have you ever wanted something so much that that you’re willing to overlook important details in order to make it happen? I have. We can’t make a decision from a position of lack or weakness that’s a terrible idea. Once we make the decision to move-in, whether in business or…
Have you been pigeon-holed into where you are and it’s not where you want to be? I believe many people have fallen into this trap. It’s easy to just go with the flow, to give in to the pressure from parents, or peers or just indecision. Sometimes we are where…
There are some motorcycles that don’t have fuel gauges, so if the rider doesn’t keep track they don’t know how much fuel they have and they may run out of gas. If we don’t keep track of our faith, if we don’t refuel and pump it up, we may run…
If we want to have victory over our problems, then we must have a Believers’ Backbone. We can’t just sit around, wishing and waiting for something good to happen. It’s Backbone, Not Wishbone That Moves Things Forward We need to declare the victory that Jesus possessed for us 2000 years…