It seems like taboo for Pastors to talk about money and finances, yet the bible mentions it over 800 times. When the teacher repeats something, it’s probably going to be on the test. Money or lack of education about money or agreement about money is a major cause for divorce….
In the Garden, Adam and Eve had big hearts, there were no walls, and everything was great. That was God. Then the devil started building a wall by introducing doubt into Eve’s mind about God’s words. The enemy planted thoughts and then Eve sinned when she was alone. It is…
Don’t lose your grip on Love & Loyalty. Tie them around your neck; carve their initials on your heart. Earn a reputation for living well and you will find favor with God and people. Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your…
Leaders are meant to be problem solvers. Consider that every successful leadership organization in the world is lucrative BECAUSE they Found A Problem And Solved It. I have watched more than one organization or person allow the problems of their lives to stay hidden. This eventually cracks their foundation and…
There once was a person who was a pick pocket. They rationalized that the people whose pockets they picked could afford it. Likewise, people make excuses that God doesn’t need the first ten percent of their earnings. If God can create the world from scratch, he can create the money…
When my daughter wants something, she can come to me for money. If I turn to her and ask her for a bite of whatever she purchases and she doesn’t share – we talk. I explain that the money wasn’t hers in the first place. I gave it to her…
The reality of money sinks in when we begin earning and spending our own money. We tend to appreciate what we earn more than the things that are handed to us. The introduction of credit was the beginning of the lie. Using credit helps us to feel a sense of…
Ephesians 4:26 – “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry” Something has been raging inside humans since the beginning of time and it’s a destructive emotion called anger. It’s the root cause of the destruction of the first family….
Every day I put on socks and shoes and go to work. We have the choice to put on shoes of peace or we can put on rainy Monday shoes. I encourage you to choose Peace shoes. For Shoes, Put On The Peace That Comes From The Good News So…
Just because we can’t see that cop over the hill doesn’t mean we won’t be getting ticket when he catches us speeding. Just because we keep getting away with something doesn’t mean we won’t get caught. Just because we can’t “see” God doesn’t mean he’s not watching. It can be…
When I was growing up, we lived in a little house in south county, Saint Louis. We were poor. Our bologna didn’t have a first name and we didn’t have Cheerios, we had O’s. Well, this kid named Johnny lived down the street. His Dad, who was welder, built Johnny…
Some people go through life wondering why nothing is changing. They can’t figure out why they aren’t having any success or why they keep failing at a particular activity. In order to experience change, we need to be AWARE of the need for change in our life. We cannot keep…