Most beautiful women are not asked out by good looking men because the men are too intimidated to ask. Every once in a while, a crazy looking guy WILL ask that girl out, and they end up married. Look at me! No Fear God has not given us a spirit…
Most beautiful women are not asked out by good looking men because the men are too intimidated to ask. Every once in a while, a crazy looking guy WILL ask that girl out, and they end up married. Look at me! No Fear God has not given us a spirit…
I saw a guy fishing on Palm Beach the other day and you could tell he was broke, fishing, smiling and yelling, “Hey good morning, how are you doing?” I thought this guy’s got no pressures in the world at all. Some other guy is walking past him all stressed…
The implication of this blog title is that if we have to repeat staying strong, that means we grow weak. When our fuel gauge gets close to empty, we need to refill because we’re low and going to run out of gas. The enemy is always going after our joy,…
I’ve noticed at times that I’ll be driving down the road and the I’ll let out a big sigh. I begin to realize that something is bugging me. It might have been a beautiful day and nothing in particular happened, but something got into the car with me. It was…
The election season is upon us. We are being reminded to vote. I’m here to tell you that if you are going to vote for anyone you need to vote for YOU. If you don’t vote for you, how are you supposed to win the election in life? The Dirty…
Our pride is like this little nagging voice inside pretending that it’s only concern is to make us look good. Pride is never in our best interest. I was sitting in church listening to a member speak when he said something I had not heard before. I turned around and…
When I was 16 and knew everything, I had a beautiful car. I washed and waxed it and cruised the busiest street. I had the T-tops off, would pull up to a red light and rev it a little and then would drive off singing, whatever we sang in 1985….
I want to paint a couple of pictures for you. There are two men and both own Chevy Tahoe’s. One is celebrating a newly purchased fully LOADED model while the other could only afford the stripped down version. In another scenario, a woman walks in wearing a gorgeous perfectly tailored…
The greatest enemy we have is our soul and the most power we have is not our money, or what we know, but the thing we have going on between our ears. If we go to school our whole life and sit at a desk and allow them to tell…
I was talking to a gentleman who is a very successful business owner in Florida. He founded several big organizations that if I told you their name, you’d know them, and he sold them for a lot of money. We were talking the other day, and he said something that…
If we get what we focus on and we are supposed to agree with God here are a few things that we shouldn’t say: My back goes out more than I do. My sciatica is acting up. I’m buying my last house, working my last job, or buying my last…
If we record a Broncos football game, and the Broncos win, we know who won. As we watch the recording, it’s not like they are winning right now, they already won. People are going to think we’re crazy if we send out tweets or Facebook posts about the game because…