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We are programmed by what we see, hear, read, and CHOOSE to focus on. How do we fix something? We troubleshoot! We do that by changing the parts or the inputs until we get the results we want. Lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ….
It can be easy to move forward in life reacting to new situations based on past experience. There’s a comfort in using our experience, it feels like a known factor in an unknown world. The idea is that if I did A and the result was B, then I need…
Have you ever given someone a piece of your mind? I have. Then I realized I was down to my last two pieces! If we don’t keep track of our thoughts, our mind will wander. It will roam and go negative if we feed on the wrong things. Where the…
Have you ever prayed for someone and wondered what God was doing because that person got worse in their behavior? We don’t realize that God is working on that person and there is an internal struggle. The point is that internal stuff comes out in our external behavior. This is…
Do you ever think “they” are smarter than me, older than me, or have more experience than me? What is going on? We listen to all of the outside and inside voices that want to influence and control us. We listen to people over us, beside us, and subordinate to…
Imagine two 8-year-old boys in a glass room full of manure. One throws a fit saying, “Life stinks! This always happens to me!” The other little boy digs like crazy and when asked why, he says, “There HAS to be a pony under here SOMEWHERE!” Which of these two attitudes do…
The 10/10/80 principle pays God 10 percent, pays us 10 percent and pays 80 percent to our other obligations. Yet instant gratification gets in the way and causes us to rob God and rob ourselves. When we don’t pay ourselves we turn to credit which can spiral out of control…
The canopy of a tree only reflects half the size of the root system. Our root system should go deep and reach out to multiple streams of income. As our roots develop much is happening beneath the surface that our friends and neighbors can’t see. Just like the tree, our…
Have you ever gone into a store for one thing and walked out with 20 things? Many times we don’t know what we want until we see it. We need to get a picture or representation of our goal in front of us so that we see it daily. We…
In the United States, 85% of Americans spend more they make. Debt is a real problem. When we face a problem such as a mountain of debt we tend to roll it around in our head. The issue grows from a molehill into a mountain. When we write it on…
Imagine a bunch of guys who were on a boat and out in deep water, when a storm blew through. The waters got so rough that they began to throw their things overboard in order to lighten the boat. After a time, they began to think this storm blew in…