One week at church, a woman said to me, “I don’t know if you are a crook or a fake or whatever, but I’m bringing my husband next week. I know if he ever gets on fire for Jesus, it will be a radical change, so don’t jack this up…
One week at church, a woman said to me, “I don’t know if you are a crook or a fake or whatever, but I’m bringing my husband next week. I know if he ever gets on fire for Jesus, it will be a radical change, so don’t jack this up…
Whenever my Dad called me and used my middle name, “David Dwayne Crank!” I KNEW I was in trouble. Did your parents ever do that to you? Many of us were raised during a time when parents weren’t concerned with what was politically correct. We know what it was like…
Jesus said in Matthew 15:14 that, “If blind lead the blind, they both end up in the ditch.” God’s talking about teachers feeding people with the wrong information. It’s like having a bad Driver’s Ed instructor. If he’s teaching you erroneous information or he doesn’t know how to drive himself,…
Find other people who have defeated the odds and have moved past an extreme difficulty. I mean, watch little kids with no legs playing basketball, for instance. One guy I saw the other day on TV was swimming in a pool with no arms and no legs. His testimony –…
When the enemy comes in, the Bible says in John 10:10 that, “he comes in like a thief to steal, to kill, and to destroy, to steal your hopes, to shatter your dreams, to destroy this abundant life that God has given you.” We must realize who’s doing that. It…
Sometimes, you can shift into the wrong gear and before you know it, the engine dies for a minute. It doesn’t mean that it’s over – that you have to abandon the car and start walking. You can restart the engine. In fact, sometimes you can pop the clutch and…
Ever feel like you are headed in the wrong direction? I remember learning to drive my dad’s old truck. It was a stick shift, and the reverse was up and over to the left, right next to first gear. I was startled a time or two when I accidentally shifted…
When I wake up feeling excited and energetic about the day, I rarely wake up and tell everyone, “HEY I FEEL GREAT TODAY! I FEEL ENERGETIC AND I’M READY TO GO!!!” But when I feel discouraged and tired, I tell EVERYBODY, “Oh man I’m tired, I just don’t feel that…
Is home the place you go to stop being nice? I was in the grocery store one time and somebody hit me in the back of the heel with a shopping cart. They said, “Oh, I’m sorry!” And I responded, “That’s all right.” (But it hurt like CRAZY!) I probably…