We are responsible for our actions and reactions. We make decisions that have consequences and then we blame God for creating the storm in our life. Some storms come from the devil, but more often than not they crop up because we are doing something that God told us not…
I believe in the power of affirmation. Some people have told me that they don’t believe affirmations work because their life is horrible. Well there you go, they probably have what they say. I start saying positive things about me every day even when I don’t feel like it. I…
If we are not careful, we can mess up our future by choosing instant gratification, over long term results. We can get sidetracked by something we want now, and that can keep us here, which keeps us from moving over there. Our destiny is tied to someone somewhere that we…
The way we dress says something about what we are doing and how we are approaching life. Are we prepared? We wouldn’t wear high heels while working at a muddy construction site. We wouldn’t wear a ski cap when the activity requires a motorcycle helmet. We wouldn’t use a spoon…
Sometimes we sit around talking about the good ole days. It seems like we remember them as being better than they were. Why is it so easy to forget the bad and to only remember the good? Do we want to get rid of indoor plumbing or electricity? And yet…
We can’t go into a new life with an old mindset. That’s like buying brand new shoes and using socks that we’ve been wearing for over a week. The dirty item messes up the clean, fresh one. We cannot hold onto our old ways and perspectives. When I married my…
We live a life by design. If we don’t like our life, then we designed it wrong. I designed my life with what I wanted. I had a wife, kids, house, barn, toys, and land. I even bought land around our house so that our kids could live near us….
Learning to say no is a game changer! The chances are you’re like me you have trouble telling people no. On more than one occasion, I’ve become massively stressed out and on my way to burn-out due to the fact that I choose not to say no. Why? Because I’m…
Nothing takes God by surprise. He knows every mistake we are going to make. So why it is that we have such a hard time setting goals? What do we fear? There is nothing that can separate us from God’s love, yet many of us offer excuses for not having…
Conflict can arise from grumbling. If we talk about someone in a positive way and it gets back to them, the situation improves. If we say negative things, the situation gets worse. The Bible reads, when I became a man, I put away childish things (1 Corinthians 13:11) As adults…
It can be so easy to listen to that voice inside that tries to tell us that everyone else is reaching their dreams while ours seem out of reach. Don’t believe the media that reports someone as an overnight success. That is untrue. If you ask the person they are…