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So often we are prevented from making the most of each moment by “conditional living”. We live out life as if there is an imaginary end-state of sheer blissful existence in which we will FINALLY arrive.

If Only

We tend to live by the “If only’s”

If only I could make this much money…
If only I could meet the right soul mate…
If only my kids would graduate and get out of the house…
…THEN I’d be happy and could get on with my life.

We’re always putting our happiness off as if it is some kind of future event. We put all kinds of pre-requisites on it and once those are met, THEN we’ll be happy, right?

Yet, when we meet our goal, we’re right on to the next big thing, the next benchmark for that non-existent “state of bliss” that remains forever elusive and JUST beyond our grasp.

Happiness is Your Choice

In the bible, Joseph was given a dream in his teens that he would rule over his family one day, yet that day did not come until his 30’s. Joseph embraced every pit stop with a good attitude, trusting God had a plan, making the most of where he was at.

He could have grown resentful, bitter and mad at God. He could have looked at every stumbling block and said, “I’m never going to be happy!” (Geneses Chapters 37-45)

Living life like this is much like flying an airplane and 100 foot before the tarmac of every destination we pull the yoke back only to lift off again and move onto the next destination. We never land!

Embrace the Current Situation

At some point, you and I must touchdown and DECIDE to be fulfilled, happy, and enjoy our current success. Embrace the situation you’re in right now.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t step forward and continue to have realistic goals. But what I AM saying is please don’t continue to keep your happiness just out of reach.

Enjoy WHERE YOU ARE on the way to where you’re going. Is life a journey or a destination for you?

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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