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If we get what we focus on and we are supposed to agree with God here are a few things that we shouldn’t say: My back goes out more than I do. My sciatica is acting up. I’m buying my last house, working my last job, or buying my last car.

Prepare To Live, Not To Die

These types of words prepare us to die and do not support healing or abundance. Only God determines where the period belongs; our life is a sentence with the potential to be filled with great adventures or drudgery. The results in our life depend on the words that we choose.

Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing Equals Healing

If we talk about getting old and how much we are in pain, then our ears hear us build our faith towards getting old or losing our mind.

I’m trying to talk you out of being sick.

I’m trying to talk you out of quitting when you’re 70 or 80 years old.

You need to be thinking, “I’m going to be here on earth so long that my friends in heaven will think I went to hell.”

By His Stripes, We Are Healed!

When we take medication, we should take it in Jesus name. We need to say, “It is by the grace of God that I am here today. God, I want you to know that I am changing. I don’t eat as they do; I don’t drink like they do. You satisfy my mouth with good things. Truth supersedes fact. The FACT is that one in four people will die of cancer; the TRUTH is that by your stripes I am healed in Jesus Name! AMEN!”

David Crank

Author David Crank

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