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Don't Mess With God's Timing - Pastor David Crank Have you ever thought that God works too slow? You complicate your life greatly by “helping” God when it wasn’t time yet.

Abraham and Sarah wanted to speed things up to receive their promise from God sooner rather than later. Hagar was Sarah’s “great idea” to allow her and Abraham to “speed things up” and Genesis Chapter 16 tells this story in greater detail.

In trying to speed things up, Sarah actually we slowed things down.

Don’t solve temporary “problems” with permanent solutions.

PUSHING GOD into moving at OUR speed is NOT the greatest of ideas.

After Sarah got WHAT SHE THOUGHT SHE WANTED she resented it.

Sarah had pushed her husband to basically create a family with another woman, who also happened to be her servant. When you try to take control and MAKE THING HAPPEN, things can get out of hand real quick!!!

Sarah began to blame everything on Abraham when in fact INITIALLY IT WAS HER IDEA!

Over the years, I’ve realized that when I have a great idea and it doesn’t work out, I want to point the blame in another direction. I am learning to take responsibility for the consequences of my actions. We can’t always blame the devil and other people every time something goes wrong with our “great idea”.

To sum it all up, I’m just trying to say, DON’T MESS UP YOUR LIFE BY MESSING WITH GOD’S TIMING.

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David Crank

Author David Crank

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