Early on when I was learning to fly, I was flying and went through a cloud bank. It freaked me out. I had no instrument training in order to be able to trust my instruments. I depended on my eyes. After I landed, about an hour later, the sun came out. I realized I needed to zero in on my instrument training. It’s the same with God. We can’t trust our eyes we need to learn to depend on God.
In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6
We Can Learn To Trust What We Know, But Cannot See
When we drive down a paved road in the fog, we can only see so far, but we trust that the road continues through the fog to the other side. When I fly, I have learned to trust my instruments when I can’t see. They tell me which direction I’m going, even if my eyes believe otherwise. The fact is, when I’m flying in the middle of a cloud, I don’t always know which way is up.
God Says To Trust Him, Not Our Eyes
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
God is all knowing, all seeing and everywhere at once. He is like the air traffic controller, letting each plane know where they are in reference to one another and where to land safely. If we don’t listen to him, and we do whatever we want, we crash into the ground, or into each other. God knows everything. We just have to listen and obey. We have to get our eyes off of ourselves and our circumstances and onto him.
Be Encouraged!
Let’s trust what God whispers in our hearts today, more so than what we see with our eyes. Our circumstances change, our feelings change, but God never changes. His knowledge of the future and the big picture never changes. It is wise for us to stay connected to and to listen to the one that knows more than we do. Will you join me in getting focused on and trusting God today?